I'm a selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best."

-Marilyn Monroe

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Writers Block And A Few Ways On How To Break Through

 I think every author, student, or writer of any sort has had their fair share of writers block. It is a dreaded thing. Many people have their own ways of dealing with writers block so I took to the streets (twitter and other media sources) and asked what is your favorite way to get rid of writers block? Some of the responses I got were quite entertaining; these are in no particular order.

-Bake something: baking takes you away from the situation, lets you think about something else for a while and gives you a tasty snack for those sessions where you need a little sugar rush.

-Exercise: If you go out and exercise you release endorphins that will make you feel better, it helps get rid of a lot of blocks, plus if you can think while working out it’s even better.

-Write a random scene: If you are working on a book just do something silly that you could take out later, you never know if you will love the silly thing and want to put it in somewhere or just keep it your own private joke. Either way you get laughs.

-Have sex: Do I need to say more? Sex is like working out, relaxing, and well sex all at once and can really help ease your mind so the writing flows easier not to mention it’s fun.

-Play with kids/family/pets: There is no replacement for the fun and laughs you can have while playing or spending time with the ones you love. They really can help relieve stress; stress is a big reason for a mental block so, go have fun.

-Write something else: start a new project and do whatever you feel. Don’t follow anyone’s rules.

-Music: Change your music, turn it up, and spend some time dancing around if you want. Music on it’s own is a great art and can really influence where your book goes. I like to change my music; I have playlists for every type of scene I have written. Yes I have cried on this one too.

-Plot around the scene: skip it for now and come back to it later. You’re not actually skipping it but just so you don’t have to come to a full stop do something else on your novel for a while.

-Talk to some trusted friends: let them know what you’re dealing with, see if they have any ideas on either the story or what they say is good for you to do. Your friends and family know you best.

-Sleep: in your sleep you have dreams or nightmares those could really help push or pull your story out, just be sure to write it down when you get up so you remember it all. My novel started as a nightmare and progressed from there. Sleep also does a lot of what some of the other ideas would do, it takes away stress from you and allows you freedoms but if you dream of your story you can watch it unfold before you like your own little movie.

-RELAX: so long as your deadline isn't tomorrow you're fine, right? Nothing is preventing you from making a cup of tea, taking a hot bubble bath, and enjoying an hour or two just for you. Everyone needs to recharge so don't get down on yourself if you have to put your project to the side in order to secure your sanity. 

No matter which way you choose to try and vanquish your writers’ block you use what is right for you. There are millions of ways to take away the block, just have to try the worst thing you could do is let it prevent you from reaching for your dreams. I wish you all the best of luck on your writing endeavors, and as always I am open for questions and comments. Feel free to contact me. As I say all the time, if I can help you I will try.


P.S. Remember The Deadliest Secret is coming to a bookshelf or kindle near you on September 27!